LJR is an acronym that stands for "LJR Factory". LJR Factory is a factory or supplier of high imitation sneakers. They specialize in making high-quality replica sneakers, especially some famous limited edition or classic models. LJR Factory's products are often known for their highly restored look and details of the original shoes, so they have a certain reputation among sneaker enthusiasts. Some people even say that the quality is better than the official genuine product. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to prove its excellent quality. He called the shoes "ljr version" for short in the factory, and some people called them "Guanding", which is the highest version in his area.
Therefore, if you want to buy high-quality replica sneakers, mangomeee is definitely worthy of your trust. We not only provide high-quality shoes, but also provide professional services to ensure that you can get every pair of replica sneakers you want.
Mangomeee only sell best fake sneakers.